Monday, July 29, 2024

Isian News issue no. 193, Lughnasadh 2024


Photo of the Healing Chapel by John Merron © all rights reserved

Greetings Aset Shemsu! Isian News, Issue 193, Lughnasadh, 2024 has just been published. Contributors to this issue: Cover photo: John Merron; Editorial: Hamsa Devi. Oracle and Ritual: "Summer. Ritual of the Sun" by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson. Contributors: Caroline Wise; Mana Youngbear; Hennie van Geel; Michael A. Starsheen; Linda Iles; Ivana Modesto; Bilal Tawachi; Celia Thomas; Demetria Nanos; deTraci Regula; Justin Howard; Diveena Marcus; Janet Seaforth; Kasey Conder; Christine Rhone; Sarah Rooke; Kiel Milner; Lady Isis Cerridwen; Tina Georgitsis; Marco Gravina; Denise Dumars; Denise M. Allen. Regular Features: Reports, News, Muses Symposium, Announcements, News from Members and Centers, FOI Manifesto, FOI Union Triad, Official FOI Groups on Facebook.

With Heartfelt Thanks to all who contributed photos, reports, articles, poetry and news from their centers! You may view the current issue as a pdf at this link: 


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Isian News Beltane 2024, issue no. 192



Greetings Aset Shemsu! Isian News, Issue 192, Beltane, 2024 has just been published. Contributors to this issue: Cover photo: the goddess Maat. Editorial: “Sharing the Blessings” by Hamsa Devi. Oracle and Ritual: “Outspread Wings” by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson. Daily Attunement and Prayer. Announcement: Honoring the Founding of the FOI. FOI Events. Reports: Caroline Wise, Carrie Kirkpatrick, David de Roeck, Celia Thomas, Book Reviews: David de Roeck, Linda Iles. Muses Symposium: Ossian d’Ambrosio, Loreon Vigne, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, David de Roeck. Goddess World: Linda Iles. Animal Family of Isis: Carla D. Jones-Alt. News from Members and Centers: Ivana Modesto, Sara Gamberoni, Aton Tarcy Magoni, Christian Totaro, Wagner Quintāo, Celia Thomas, Christine Rhone, Amy Voza Quist, Sarah Rooke, Marco Gravina, Denise Dumars, Anna Applegate, Donna Swindells, Michael Starsheen, Kiel Milner, Mana Youngbear, Thalia Brown, Ann Brigit Waters. FOI Manifesto. FOI Union Triad. Official FOI Groups on Facebook.


With Heartfelt Thanks to all who contributed photos, reports, articles, poetry, and news from their centers! You may view the current issue as a pdf at this link: Isian News Beltane 2024 issue no. 192

Monday, January 29, 2024

Brigantia 2024, Isian News, Issue no. 191


Brigantia Blessings, Aset Shemsu! Isian News for Brigantia 2024 has been published. You may view it here: Isian News, no. 191, Brigantia 2024

Photo: Well of Brigid as it appeared in the 1990s in the temple at Clonegal Castle, Ireland.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Samhain 2023 Isian News issue no. 190


Greetings Aset Shemsu! Isian News, Issue no. 190 for Samhain 2023 has just been published! Deep thanks and gratitude are extended to all those Fellowship of Isis members who have contributed to this issue. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Isian News Samhain 2023 Issue no. 190

 Photo of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson meditating by the well taken by John Merron. Used by permission.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Isian News Issue no. 189, Lughnasadh 2023






Greetings Aset Shemsu! Isian News, Issue 189, Lughnasadh, 2023 has just been published. Contributors to this issue: Cover photo and Editorial: Hamsa Devi. Oracle and Ritual: “Summer. Ritual of the Sun” by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson. Reports, News, Muses Symposium: Ann Brigit Waters, Amy Auset Rohn, Sara Gamberoni, Caroline Wise, Michael A. Starsheen, Linda Iles, Ness Bosch, Hennie van Geel, Celia Thomas, David de Roeck, La Ronya Nicole Benson Moon, Kasey Conder, Christine Rhone, Donna Swindells, Sarah Rooke, Ivana Modesto, Marco Gravina, Mana Youngbear, Denise Dumars, Ossian d’Ambrosio, and Carla D. Jones Alt, Announcements. News from Members and Centers. FOI Manifesto. FOI Union Triad. Official FOI Groups on Facebook.


With Heartfelt Thanks to all who contributed photos, reports, articles, poetry, and news from their centers!


You may view the current issue as a pdf at this link:


Isian News Lughnasadh2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Isian News Beltane 2023


Beltane Blessings, Aset Shemsu! Isian News no. 188, Beltane 2023, has been published! The cover features a lovely photo of FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson carrying an offering of flowers to the Belvedere on the grounds of Clonegal Castle. This issue features the Oracle of the Goddess Mahadevi and the ritual Festival of Wesak from the FOI liturgy book “Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess” and “Psychic Rescue Work” by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson.  Editorial “The Time of Blessings” by Hamsa Devi. Book Reviews: “Little Book of Qi” by Janet Seaforth; “Euphrosyne & Harty Spring” by Sonia McNally; Book Recommendation: “The Girl in the Tunnel” by Maureen Sullivan. Heartfelt thanks to the following members for their contributions: Marie Alexander; Normandi Elli’ Caroline Wise; Linda Iles; Patrick Norwood MacAllister; Sara Gamberoni, Kasey Conder, Alexandra Axinte, Michael A. Starsheen; deTraci Regula; Hennie van Geel; Claudiney Prieto; Celia Thomas; Christine Rhone; Baya Rouzoul; Setjataset; Mana Youngbear; Denise Dumars; Sarah Rooke; Ivana Modesto; Shannon Michaela Doree Smith; Ossian D’Ambrosio; Ann Brigit Waters; Sheila Broun. Dulce Domum: Ayah Buonaugurio.


Thank you to all who contributed photos, reports, articles, poetry, and news from their centers!


You may view the current issue as a pdf at this direct link:


Isian News Beltane 2023

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Isian News Brigantia 2023 issue no. 187


Isian News for Brigantia 2023 has just been published! This issue features a statue of the Goddess Astarte. Oracle of the Goddess Astarte by Olivia Robertson Editorial by Hamsadevi of FOI Germany. Reflections on the FOI by K. Matthew Bearden. Daily Attunement Times & FOI Daily Prayer. Announcements: FOI Reception for Parliament of World’s Religions in Chicago and a Reminder: Central/Global Websites of the Fellowship of Isis. FOI Events. Reports from Members: Christine Rhone, Setjataset, Mana Youngbear. Muses Symposium: Lady Isis Cerridwen, Ruth Dalrymple Austen, Sara Gamberoni, Caroline Wise, Ann Brigit Waters, Linda Iles, Setjataset. Goddess World: Mana Youngbear. Animal Family of Isis: deTraci Regula. News from Members and Centers: Heartfelt thanks to Rosie Weaver, Michael A. Starsheen and Kiel Milner, Amy Auset Rohn, Denise Dumars, Ivana Modesto, Sarah Rooke, Ann Brigit Waters, Sara Gamberoni, Thalia Brown, Mana Youngbear, Hamsa Devi, Shannon Michaela Doree Smith, and Marie Clewley.    Dulce Domum: Ruth Dalrymple Austen, Alma Gunn, Markee Antillon, and Phoenixa Sol. FOI Manifesto. FOI Union Triad. Sister Websites. Official FOI Groups on Facebook. 


Isian News Brigantia 2023 issue no. 187