Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Isian News, Brigantia 2020

Greetings! Isian News Issue 175, Brigantia 2020 has been published!

Cover art: “Bast the Soul Healer” by Olivia Robertson (Original piece of art, used by permission, courtesy of Kasey Conder) Oracle: Meditation and Oracle of the Goddess Bast by Olivia Robertson. Editorial: Contemplating the Divine Feline by Linda Iles. Daily Attunement Times & FOI Daily Prayer. Announcements: New Translations of the FOI Liturgy; Prayers for Australia; Occultists’ Book of Days by Judith Page; New Book and Oracle Deck by Normandi Ellis; Travel to Egypt with Normandi Ellis and Amy Auset Rohn. FOI Events. Reports. Muses Symposium. Goddess World. Animal Family of Isis. Dulce Domum: Rita Morgan; Patricia Griffin. News from Members and Centers. FOI Manifesto. FOI Union Triad. Sister Websites: Official FOI Groups on Facebook. Michael Starsheen; Caroline Wise; Kasey Conder; David de Roeck; Hamsadevi; Celia Thomas; Mana Youngbear; Kasey Conder; Sarah Rooke; Brandon Zickerman: Mariposa; Anniitra Ravenmoon; Ivana Modesto; Rain Graves; Demetria Nanos; deTraci Regula; Justin Howard; Diveena; Marylyn Motherbear; Jeff Iles; Anandha Ray; Marie Clewley; Denise Dumars; Bea Salmon Hawk; Kenneth Bearden; Maria Agape; Luke Eastwood; Ness Bosch. Heartfelt thanks to all those members who contributed to this issue!